ArcoLinuxD is installed and we ran all the scripts from the folder arco-openbox even the ones in the folder ‘personal’. Then we tweak our distro.
Preferences/ Xfce4 Appearance is where we can set themes, icons and fonts.
Preferences/Openbox/GUI config tool is where we set our border of our windows and fonts.
Settings/Mouse and Touchpad is where we set our cursor but also in Lxappearance.
We use variety to give us a better wallpaper.There are keyboard shortcuts to control variety. But we can also use Nitrogen.
Preferred applications is one I will always use. Nothing to do with theming but important to know.
Compositor is compton and will provide the shadows and transparency.
Tint2gui is the panel we use to have a panel. Switch the panel way by means of a click.
Obmenu-generator can create icons in your openbox menu.
I seem to have skipped Lxappearance in the video. Do check that out too. Many things can be changed there as well.