2 Overview of the Ukui desktop – applications and system settings

First we boot up an old Ukui installation. That gives us the opportunity to take a look at the desktop and in the same time give you another “how to update” video.

We talk about:

  • the mirrors from Arch Linux
  • the alias ‘nmirrorlist’ – edit it if you want to
  • the script ‘arcolinux-osbeck-as-mirror’
  • downgrading reflector

What information can we find about Ukui?

Use the Arch Wiki is what we normally do. In this case there does not seem to be a page yet about ukui.

We do find details about a group package.

Ukui is coming from the project Ubuntu Kylin.

We go over all the options of the start menu.

There is also an Ukui Control Center. We go over its settings.

We use the mate-keybindings and NOT the ukui keyboard keybindings to launch our applications.

We can not select any other icons in the Ukui Control Center. New icon themes will not come up in the system settings.

We show you how to add a user to a system.

We show you as well how easy it is to install our desktops via the ArcoLinux Tweak Tool.