29 how to activate the cube animation on plasma

This cube animation can be activated IF your hardware is compatible. Plasma will not show this animation if your hardware is not suitable.

The only thing to remember is to change 2 settings:

  1. the desktop effect and its animation (optional)
  2. create extra virtual desktops – 4 virtual desktops

A cube has 4 (actually 6) sides. Top and Bottom get the ArcoLinux logo.

You need to have 4 virtual desktops or else there will be NO CUBE.

 CTR + F1, F2, F3 and F4 will move you to the virtual desktops
In the left of the tray you can select the virtual desktop too.

In the video I work on a dual screen – so you see half of the cube.
The picture above shows it better.

Plasma Challenge

You can follow our tutorials based on either of two ISO’s.

1. ArcoLinuxB Plasma (recommended)

We record the plasma video’s on an SSD installed from the ArcoLinuxB Plasma ISO.
You can either create your very own ArcoLinuxB Plasma ISO following this tutorial or download it from Sourceforge. (ArcoLinuxB-plasma-18.11.2.ISO of 4.3 GB – games included)

2. ArcoLinuxD Plasma

You can also use the ArcoLinuxD ISO and then install Plasma with the help of the github scripts. This will not be an exact copy of the ISO.

Learn about the Plasma desktop and enjoy it.