4 Downloading the ISO and setting up virtual box

We use our standard torrent application Qbittorrent or Transmission or Ktorrent to download the ISO of Arch Linux.

Each month there will be a new release. It is only to keep the updates to a minimum.

You will install a minimal base installation and build everything up from there.


We will also set up our VirtualBox. So I can make my articles and youtube tutorials.

If you have followed one of these articles you will have Virtual Box or an other virtual machine installed by now. You can ofcourse install Arch Linux on an SSD or harddisk. You can use Mintstick on ArcoLinux to burn the Arch Linux ISO on an usb. You can also use Etcher to burn an ISO to the usb. More info about burning an ISO to a usb can be found here.

If you decide to try it out first on virtual box than this is the most important setting.

Tell virtualbox to use EFI or UEFI with the tick “Enable EFI (special OSes only)“.

This is an EFI boot screen.

When installing on VirtualBox with MBR or BIOS then you keep the setting of Enable EFI ticked off

This is an MBR bootscreen.