54 update of 12/2019 Plasma challenge

The Plasma Challenge originated in beginning of November 2018 and was never touched without filming it every step of the way.

We just keep on updating

ArcoLinux and Arch Linux is a rolling release linux distribution.

There are no half-yearly releases. Instead there are year round updates – some small – some large. The updates just keep coming in.

So there is no need to do a clean install. You can keep on rolling.

And this is already the second ssd where I proof to you that it is possible to just keep updating.

This ssd is now 1 year and 1 month old. You can check this with the command last.

First we update (Arch Linux and ArcoLinux). Later we do a upall for the AUR packages.

We have not checked if we still have the fastest servers for Arch Linux servers with mirrors.


sudo pacman -S archlinux-keyrings

if you get issues with keyrings. There was no need this time to do so during our update.

We will explain you the alias skel and its function and where the files and folders are : /etc/skel

We explain the alias bupskel.

We install also the last package of arcolinux-lightdm-gtk-greeter-plasma to get rid of a message.

We accept all name changes coming in during the update.

In dolphin we add the open the terminal here at the top.

When you do 2 bupskels, you can compare with meld to see what changed over time.

We install our new packages

sudo pacman -S surfn-arc-breeze-git arcolinux-arc-kde

and we remove a dependency that is no longer needed.

sudo pacman -R python2-xapp
We totally forgot to do a skel, cb and check our rolling folders

Skel = alias to copy/paste settings over

We only have 2 mirrors – We need to get the new .bashrc in.

The bashrc.latest contains all our new settings and aliases.

sudo pacman -S arcolinux-root-git

We are going to load the .bashrc with


It will make sure the .bashrc-latest will applied everywhere.

Then we take a look at ~/.bin/stay-rolling

and see if we need to change anything.

We install also

sudo pacman -S arcolinux-config-plasma-git

We show you some of the conkies that we have created for plasma.