sudo pacman -S xfce4 sudo pacman -S xfce4-goodies
If you forget to activate the lightdm.service in the previous article you will never be able to boot into the graphical environment. I forgot that and I fix it here.
We will get our scripts from our github. Change the scripts any way you want. That is the idea. Add lines for extra software. Hashtag out software you do not want. Then run the scripts.
sudo pacman -S git git clone
Then we have the scripts on our system. You decide what you run or not.
There is also a folder called Arch Way. This folder will contain all the scripts for people who do an Arch Linux installation.
After some theming and tweaking you can end up with this desktop environment.
We change the name of the whiskermenu from ArcoLinux to Arch Linux Xfce.
We also change the logo’s to Arch Linux everywhere.
We get the .bashrc from ArcoLinux to get upall and mirror for example. More info about getting .bashrc.
sudo pacman -S reflector — You need to install reflector to use mirror.
We activate a conky and change the logo.
We change the theme, icons and cursor.
We also install the arcolinux-nemesis scripts that I normally use after a clean install of ArcoLinux. You decide if you will install those.