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Results for "xrandr"
5 Where can we find the qtile configuration

5 Where can we find the qtile configuration

two major documents to configureQtile has actually just one document where all the settings are : The other one is connected to Qtile but it is not from Qtile. scripts/ Autostart.shFind out the names of your screen/monitor with xrandr or arandr....

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5 Where is the Xmonad configuration – autostart

5 Where is the Xmonad configuration – autostart

two major documents to configureXmonad has actually just one document where all the settings are : xmonad.hs The other one is connected to Xmonad but it is not from Xmonad. scripts/ Autostart.shResolutionFind out the names of your screen/monitor with...

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2 where is the bspwm configuration and how to set it up

2 where is the bspwm configuration and how to set it up

Autostart.shBspwm (Binary Space Partitioning Window Manager) is a tiling window manager and it is coming from this github. You can get more information on the Arch Wiki. The conky is there to help you learn the keyboard shortcuts, when you first boot into Bspwm....

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11 – how to set up i3 with a dual monitor

11 – how to set up i3 with a dual monitor

I can only recommend you to try out i3 on a dual screen if possible. It opens up a different world. You can assign workspace 1-5 to monitor 1 and 6-10 to monitor 2. That creates a great workflow. We figure out the name and resolution with xrandr. We can use this name...

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