It takes 20 minutes to install Arch Linux.
This video will give you an overview of all the necessary steps to take.
We install version 2 of Fvwm coming from Arch Linux repositories.
ArcoLinux uses version 3 of Fvwm coming from AUR.
We follow the guide of this page and will compare it with the Arch Linux installation page.
This video will guide you
through Phase 1, 2, 3 and 4
of OUR Arch Linux installation guide
this is an ALL IN ONE installation
In phase 4 we choose our desktop
We can install lightdm, lightdm-gtk-greeter and lightdm-gtk-greeter-setttings but …
we choose sddm and enabled that.
We need to install our desktop now.
sudo pacman -S fvwm
Fvwm provides a config to work with and we decide to take a look.
We will copy/paste over the default config of the developers.
mkdir ~/.fvwm cp -r /usr/share/fvwm/default-config/* ~/.fvwm
There is still much work in your configs for fvwm to become a functional and beautiful desktop.
That can be a challenge.