arch-chroot and btrfs – use the power of arch-chroot when your computer crashes ArcoLinux, based on Arch Linux, offers a rolling release system with the advanced filesystem, Btrfs. This setup provides snapshots, rollbacks, and efficient disk management. However, system issues may arise from...
arch-chroot and ext4 – use the power of arch-chroot when your computer crashes
Changing root is commonly done for performing system maintenance on systems where booting and/or logging in is no longer possible. Common examples are: Reinstalling the bootloader. Rebuilding the initramfs image. Upgrading or downgrading packages. Resetting a...
Get AUR helpers for any Arch Linux based system
AUR helpers will come and go. We have had our fair share already - packer and yaourt. We have Yay and Trizen to help us install applications from the Arch User Repository or AUR.Installing in a desktop environmentUse the snapshot from AURInstalling in a terminal or...