25 Awesomewm got a new theme Blackburn

25 Awesomewm got a new theme Blackburn

Adding more themes to your favorite desktop is always fun. It is time to change it to your own personal taste. I started with the theme from copycats and "made it my own". That is exactly what any of us can do. I was updating the Awesomewm code and ended up falling in...

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22 Changing the font of the theme

22 Changing the font of the theme

In this tutorial we are going to change the fonts. Normally we use noto fonts. But we can change the fonts as well. We will use the terminus fonts. Here are some terminal commands in regards with fonts fc-list | grep Terminus We change it to xos4 terminus. We change...

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21 Changing the font size in Awesome

21 Changing the font size in Awesome

This time we are going to change the font size. You have to change it in your theme lua. So it is to be changed in every theme. In the rc.lua you can change also the tagnames. We change the size of fonts and change the width and height of the menu. Exaggerate with the...

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20 What to do if the screen resolution is not optimal

20 What to do if the screen resolution is not optimal

Sometimes you need to manually intervene to change the resolution in Awesome. He did recognize my screen resoltution on virtual box but NOT on bar metal aka my ssd. There is an easy way to set the right resolution with arandr. Check the screenlayout folder and...

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19 Setting applications to appear on one tagname

19 Setting applications to appear on one tagname

We want to force Awesome to open an applicaton on a specific tagname and a specific screen. Dual screen users can use these settings. Or Multi screen users for that matter. As example we want to launch Atom always on screen 1 and tag 2. We apply this and test it out.

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17 Changing and making keyboard shortcuts

17 Changing and making keyboard shortcuts

Rc.lua is one of the most important files of Awesome.  This time we take a look at the keyboard shortcut keys. We have declared variables at the top like browser, terminal, mailclient etc... You change these variables and reload awesome again. Or you change the...

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16 Changing the menu of Awesome

16 Changing the menu of Awesome

Super + W or right click on the menu you get the awesome menu. We can not change the icons. We do not use the menu but we left it in for you. Closing the menu is done with escape or again right mouse click. You can change the menu any way you want. We explain how the...

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15 Changing the look of your tagnames

15 Changing the look of your tagnames

In this tutorial we will change the tagnames. We go over the variables that are declared in the rc.lua as well before we start changing the tagnames. You can change the icons any way you see fit. We use the awesome font to get icons from the net to change the menu....

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14 How to get back to safety if an error occurs

14 How to get back to safety if an error occurs

Awesome is based on the LUA programming language. We will change the lua code and let awesome crash. Just one comma in the wrong place crashes the system. Then you will an error messagen and get the standard awesome configuration and standard menu. Fix the mistake and...

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13 Full theming project Galactus

13 Full theming project Galactus

The wallpaper "Galactus" comes in and we will use it to change our desktop accordingly. We choose a new icon theme and kill the conky. Atom is going to be my editor because of the lua syntax highlighting. We first copy/paste powerarrow-blue and rename it to...

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12 Changing theme, icons and cursors in Awesome

12 Changing theme, icons and cursors in Awesome

We will use lxappearance to change the theme, icons and cursors. In the menu you can find it in "customize look and feel". I rather like to use rofi with Super +F12 and choose 'lxappearance'. We will change our wallpaper on the basis  of a pink wallpaper that comes in...

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11 Replacing variety with nitrogen to set the wallpaper

11 Replacing variety with nitrogen to set the wallpaper

Variety changes the wallpapers but also provides new wallpapers. Nitrogen changes the wallpapers but does NOT provide new wallpapers. Your updates for Awesome will come in at /etc/skel. Then we need to compare what we have and what comes in. Use meld. We added the...

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10 What to do when an Awesome update comes in

10 What to do when an Awesome update comes in

When we update awesome you will get a new package in. It will be saved to /etc/skel. We will never save it to your home directory. We use meld to compare what I have and what comes in from ArcoLinux. Nitrogen --restore has been added for people who do not want to use...

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9 Playing music in Awesome with the ncmpcpp widget

9 Playing music in Awesome with the ncmpcpp widget

Ncmpcpp is a great way to play music from your music library from the terminal. There are lots of articles about ncmpcpp on the websites. Use the music note icon to launch and stop ncmpcpp. Right mouse click on the music note stops the application. There are more...

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8 How to change the theme in Awesome

8 How to change the theme in Awesome

We will use atom (and extra packages : lua syntax, pigments and minimap) to change the themes. Search for the  word "theme" and change the theme by changing the number. We changed the weather to New York in the blue theme. Changing the theme to "2" means we have the...

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7 Changing the weather widget to your personal town

7 Changing the weather widget to your personal town

We will change the weather widget. It is now set to the weather of Belgium, Antwerp. We take a look at the top of theme.lua and checkout the variables that are defined at the top. Search for weather in the theme.lua to find the widget. Copy/paste the weather link to...

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4 Navigating in Awesome and learning the many shortcuts

4 Navigating in Awesome and learning the many shortcuts

Navigating around in a windows tiling manager is different than in other windows managers. We have tagnames to put applications on and we learn the most important shortcuts. There is a very important shortcut to set your tiling and that is Super + Spacebar. Super +...

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3 how to set your wallpaper – variety and nitrogen

3 how to set your wallpaper – variety and nitrogen

We explain the advantage of variety. It sets your wallpaper but it also gets new wallpapers from desktoppr.co. Make an account there and sync the wallpapers to your dropbox. In autostart.sh we launch variety. If you do not want that, put a hashtag before it and...

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