11 Combining Bspwm with Xfce on ArcoLinuxD
First we install ArcoLinuxD on virtualbox or on real metal.The next video will show you that.After the installation of ArcoLinuxD on virtualbox or on real metal we reboot. Immediately we check if we need to do updates but first we get the fastest servers for ArcoLinux...
4 change bspwm from qwerty to azerty keyboard
This article is only for people that have a different keyboard. Standard setting is always qwerty. I want to have an azerty keyboard. Living in Belgium I need to change not only autostart.sh but also in sxhkdrc. Calamares normally takes care that you have azerty and...
10 why are we using urxvt in bspwm instead of termite
In Bspwm we decided to create an Ascii logo and finally realized that the logo would be nice for all distros. There was a reason why we changed from a logo to an ascii.There was a reason why we changed from termite to urxvt as standard terminal in Bspwm. We have two...
9 Theming bspwm colors, borders and gaps
We explain "as extra" that adding run in front of applications in the autostart.sh may solve issues for you. Then we investigate what elements we can change in the bspwmrc file. border withwindow gaptop paddingsingle monocleborder colors When changing the color of the...
8 how to make sure pywal keeps transparency
In previous article about python-pywal we installed some extra software. We lost our transparency and we will change it after making a backup of Xresources. That is a hidden file. Use CTRL + H to show hidden files. We change these lines in ~/Xresources and delete the...
7 what is pywal and how to use it in bspwm
Python-pywal changes various applications like terminals, nano, bash-pipes, ranger, cava,... on the basis of the wallpaper and creates matching colorschemes. You can install it with trizen python-pywal As of ArcoLinux 6.8.1 (June 2018) python-pywal will be installed...
6 how to theme bspwm – icons – theme – cursor – fonts
We will show you how to change themes, icons, cursors. Remember the application : lxappearance We launch it with dmenu or Super + Shift + D. You can use Super + F11 or F12 too. We will also show you where to change the font and the font size.
5 going over the most important keyboard shortcuts
My advice is to read the file sxhkd and test every keyboard shortcut out one by one. Copy/pasting all that code in the website does not seem useful to me. Here the ones I use all the time : Exit = Super + XTerminal = Super + ReturnFile manager = Super + Shift +...
2 where is the bspwm configuration and how to set it up
Autostart.shBspwm (Binary Space Partitioning Window Manager) is a tiling window manager and it is coming from this github. You can get more information on the Arch Wiki. The conky is there to help you learn the keyboard shortcuts, when you first boot into Bspwm....