How to set wallpapers in xfce, openbox and i3

How to set wallpapers in xfce, openbox and i3

The first thing we will probably see on any desktop is our wallpaper. We can change it via two different tools. desktop settings variety wallpaper selector or use the shortcut keys You can check out what the shortcut keys are in XFCE via the application Keyboard. ...
How to theme ArcoLinux i3 any way you want

How to theme ArcoLinux i3 any way you want

When you logoff from Openbox or Xfce and log back in to i3 you will see that i3 is going to use the settings from openbox/xfce to set icons, themes and cursors. ~/.gtkrc-2.0 is one of these files. You will find the themes, fonts, icons etc… The other to keep in...
21 fixing the system panel icons in i3

21 fixing the system panel icons in i3

At this point in time I can see just 2 options. Install the package gtk3-mushrooms coming from AUR. Or get rid of the system panel icons altogether. The reasoning is that we can reach those applications if we want to via shortcuts or terminal. We will show you the...
8 –  How to install i3 on ArcoLinuxD Cinnamon

8 – How to install i3 on ArcoLinuxD Cinnamon

Let us install i3 on ArcoLinuxD Cinnamon. We proceed as usual and get our scripts from github. git clone We will go over what elements we need to install and which scripts not to install just to save time. 100, 400, 500, 600, 930...
19 – giving an overview of the i3 config file on ArcoLinux(D)

19 – giving an overview of the i3 config file on ArcoLinux(D)

You need to read the ~/.config/i3/config. Then make a backup. Then change some lines, test and make that config your own. We will go over the big chapters in your configuration file. Topics covered : Set your main key  Super or ALT There is the naming convention for...
17 – fixing can’t read temp in i3status.conf

17 – fixing can’t read temp in i3status.conf

Linux is installed on a diversity of hardware. In this case we need to help the script to look for the correct file. We analyze where this error is coming from and then tell you how to solve it. You will need to navigate to the file that is particular to your...
15 – comparing files and folders with meld

15 – comparing files and folders with meld

The goal of the tutorial is to explain to you that meld is a very powerful tool . We can use it to compare files but also directories. That is what is great. You can compare 3000 or more articles at once with this tool. It will even tell you if there is a...
14 – creating a new crimson color scheme for ArcoLinuxD-i3

14 – creating a new crimson color scheme for ArcoLinuxD-i3

ArcoLinuxD with i3 is the basis of our distro. Then we look for a wallpapers we like and use its color to get us started. With gpick we find out what hexadecimal code it is and then we use it. We use atom and its package pigments. Then we start changing the color...
12 – use atom to change the colors in your i3 config

12 – use atom to change the colors in your i3 config

Atom is one of the editors out there you can use to edit code. There are many others out there. sudo pacman -S atom  Installing pigments and pigments-minimap has been installed. We show you where. We will include more tips about Atom in the future. There are many more...
14 – creating a new crimson color scheme for ArcoLinuxD-i3

11 – how to set up i3 with a dual monitor

I can only recommend you to try out i3 on a dual screen if possible. It opens up a different world. You can assign workspace 1-5 to monitor 1 and 6-10 to monitor 2. That creates a great workflow. We figure out the name and resolution with xrandr. We can use this name...
10 – how to change the gaps between windows in i3

10 – how to change the gaps between windows in i3

We have choosen to take i3 next gap from airblader. It provides you with the same standard i3 but with the possibility to have gaps between the windows. IF you do not like these gaps then you make your gaps 0 and you will have the regular i3. Change the setting in...
9 – how to work with i3 windows and move them

9 – how to work with i3 windows and move them

Let us show you how to move your windows around. We go over the many keyboard shortcuts. Have fun trying these out in a working system. ALT + TAB SUPER + arrows CTRL + ALT + arrows SUPER + SHIFT + arrows SUPER + SHIFT + numbers   SUPER + F  is full screen and is...
9 – how to work with i3 windows and move them

8 – where are the menu’s in i3

i3 is a tiling window manager.It is not your typical desktop environment. We are used to have a button somewhere we can click on to get a menu popup. In openbox we need to right mouse click the desktop. In i3 we need to remember the following shortcuts to get to a...
7 – detailed information about compton on i3

7 – detailed information about compton on i3

Compton is compositing manager. It will supply us the shadows, transparency, fading in our system. You can read more on the wiki about it. Let us read and change the compton.conf in ~/.config/i3/compton.conf. Make backups and then change the settings. Screentearing...
6 – what are the most important keyboard shortcuts on i3

6 – what are the most important keyboard shortcuts on i3

i3 is keyboard driven. Not reading your ~/.config/i3/config file would be a mistake. All your keyboard shortcuts are defined in that file. SUPER + SHIFT + Q closes an applicationCTRL + ALT +T opens a terminalSUPER + ENTER opens a terminalSUPER + SHIFT + ENTER opens...
9 – how to work with i3 windows and move them

5 – checking out the available i3 color schemes

Let us take a look at these color schemes we already have installed BUT not applied. Atom is installed and the package pigments is activated. Explained in previous article. We show what to copy/paste where to get a different color schemes. First make a backup of your...
4 – all you need to know about tweaking and theming i3

4 – all you need to know about tweaking and theming i3

When we start the video i3 is already themed somewhat in previous tutorials. What applications matter when we talk about theming your i3wm? variety and nitrogen for wallpapers lxappearance for themes, icons, cursors qtconfig-qt4 for applications following qt settings...
3 –  ArcoLinuxD scripts explained in detail

3 – ArcoLinuxD scripts explained in detail

In the tutorials about ArcoLinuxD-Budgie I gave a detailed explanation about how to make scripts. If you want to know more about how to start from scratch on a script you can follow the tutorials of ArcoLinuxD Budgie. In i3 we will take a look at the contents of the...
9 – how to work with i3 windows and move them

2 – how to theme ArcoLinuxD i3

ArcoLinuxD is installed and we ran all the scripts from the folder arco-i3. Then we tweak our distro. Lxappearance is the application to remember to set themes, icons, and cursors. $ Keyboard Shortcuts To Remember SUPER + SHIFT + D OPEN DMENU We show you how to...