When you look at the information available on the Arch Wiki they recommend we use Openbox as the window manager for LXQt. They also say it is possible to choose another window manager if you want. More information can also be found on the github of LXQt. In this video...
We can always use any of our conkies on LXQt. Conkyzen is available to pick any of them by hand. We just move through the list via CTRL + ALT + Pagedown or Pageup. Some of them will look nice – others will not. That is normal. Every desktop has its own window...
Compton changed its name during 2019 into Picom. As a result we changed the name references from compton.conf to picom.conf. Update your system and use skel to get the new files in your home directory. Then you can reboot. This was anno April 2020. Next ArcoLinuxB...
Most desktops offer the user a way to autostart applications. LXQt has also an application. You can find it in Session Settings. We add plank to the autostart. Only after clicking the close button is your new autostart setting saved We install the applications needed...
We can change our desktop preferences in LXQt. There is are a lot of parameters we can set. In the video we take a look at backgrounds, icons, label text. ArcoLinux has created a wallpaper package for people who have dual screens. In the second tab called “Slide...
In this video we change the look of the panel. You can change so many things. You can even add more panels. So it is a playground for people who like to design. Some of the widgets do not work on...
Icons Themes cursors In this video we will show you where the icons, themes, cursor and fonts are set. Check the LXQt Settings. With variety we quickly change our wallpaper. We use insync to get our wallpapers from the cloud – in this case google drive. We go...