12 Changing the look of our DWM

12 Changing the look of our DWM

In previous videos we have ‘riced’ our system already. We use meld to compare configuration files. We move the bar to the bottom. We make the border thicker. We change the color of the dmenu. We learn about xprop. DWM has two dmenus   Let us change...
7 How to change the gaps on ArcoLinux DWM

7 How to change the gaps on ArcoLinux DWM

We investigate the configuration files with pt and find out where the word ‘gaps’ is used. We change the setting for the gaps and then we rebuild DWM. We make the most common mistakes so that you will not make...
6 Comparing our DWM with the suckless DWM

6 Comparing our DWM with the suckless DWM

In this video we compare the original DWM we can download from the suckless website with our DWM. There is a readme file where you can read the list of patches we have used. We show you how to install the standard dwm installation. It just takes a make and sudo make...
3 Learning about DWM online and offline

3 Learning about DWM online and offline

There is a conky to help you out the first time you reboot. Dwm works – like any other tiling window manager – with keyboard shortcuts. We give you a general overview. Use the Arch Wiki. We use cups as example to search for drivers for printers. Do not...
2 Updating the current DWM first

2 Updating the current DWM first

We first update our system and reboot. The mirrorlist is important. /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist is what will govern your pacman and the speed you will have. The aliases “mirror” (reflector) and others will order the fastest servers of Arch Linux in the...
15 How to get back to the standard look and the standard settings

1 Installation of ArcoLinuxD Dwm

? Option 1 Install the desktop using Calamares ? Option 2 Install the desktop using our scripts ? Option 3 Install the desktop using ArcoLinuxB ? Option 4 Install the desktop using ArcoLinux Tweak Tool OPTION 1 : Installing the desktop with...