We gave the Ewmh module of polybar some color. Via github you can see what has been changed. Via bupskel before an update and bupskel after an update you can compare. Herbstluftwm got support for Azerty keyboards and dual screen...
Compton changed its name to picom compton.conf = picom.conf ArcoLinux is always created to be perfect on real metal. Picom.conf is tweaked that way. If you are working on Virtualbox, you can get transparency in the terminal again by putting a “#” in front...
We have installed volumeicon in this tiling window manager. You can use/install it in any tiling window manager. As always that is the choice for the user. Personally I use pavucontrol as hub to set all my sound the way I need it to be. CTRL + ALT + U If you want to...
Launching mintstick from dmenu or rofi is not going to work because the application mintstick requires an option behind the command. mintstick -m formatmintstick -m iso That is the code it is waiting for. If you use ALT + F3 you are using the menu of XFCE and behind...
Polybar is part of Herbstluftwm but it can be used on any tiling window manager. The code is to be uncommented from the file in ~/.config/polybar/launch.sh to get a second polybar. But when making this video we had not thought about users wanting to have a second...
You must have a dual monitor setup to take part in this, obviously. There is relevant code in autostart that you need to uncomment and other code that you need to comment. Then you can reload the autostart. With Super + Shift + arrow keys you can now move the active...
If you want to change the theme of your herbstluftwm then lxappearance is an application we rely on for tiling window managers. It will change the necessary files. We change themes icon themes cursor in the video. In the image below we have first copy/paste our...
In this video we use xrandr and arandr to analyze what we need to do to get Herbstluftwm to use both of my monitor aka a dual monitor setup. We also change the qwerty setting to azerty setting and update our system with update, skel, cb and...
Polybar can not be pinned down to one desktop. It is a bar that can be used on many desktops. Tiling window manager are well suited for polybar but Openbox is no problem either… We have an article just about polybar. Search our websites to get more info about...
Personally I want a free workflow. Meaning = any applications can go on any workspace. But you can tell Herbstluftwm to assign applications to show up only on one designated tag/workspace. In the video we show you a catch however. If you have changed the tag layout,...
In the video we give several tips: use atom and install pigments and minimap change colors one by one use ##FF0000 to get red (RGB) reload with Super + Shift + R to search for the...
two major Folders to configure Herbsluftwm has actually just one document where all the settings are : ~/.config/herbstlufwm/autostart The other one is connected to keyboard bindings but it is not from Herbstluftwm. ~/.config/sxhkd AUTOSTART We make sure an...
General info Herbstluftwm is a tiling window manager and it is coming from here. You can get more information on the Arch Wiki. The conky is there to help you learn the keyboard shortcuts, when you first boot into Herbstluftwm. Conkies in tiling window managers are...
It does not matter whether you are using ArcoLinuxD or ArcoLinuxB. In the next video’s you will see that I will work on an ArcoLinuxB-Herbstluftwm virtualbox. ArcoLinuxD or ArcoLinuxB are essentially the same thing.The delivery system is just different. ArcoLinuxD...
You can install Herbstluftwm via ArcoLinuxD and use and change the scripts we provide. You can also install Herbstluftwm via ArcoLinuxB and download the iso and install it or you can build the iso yourself and decide what software you would like on your iso. In the...