We have changed many things in the configuration of Mate. The icons have been changed to Surf-Arc.The wallpaper has changed….All of the settings we have changed are in the ~/.config/dconf/user. ALL THE CUSTOM KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS are now also in Mate. In the video...
In most desktops you can start applications at startup. They provide you with a gui or graphical interface that will guide you through the process of adding an application or service to the “autostart” list. But in essence they will use the hidden folder ...
ArcoLinux has a package called arcolinux-arc-themes-git. It provides 42 Arc themes not with the blue accent color but with a different accent color. These themes have been created with a script named Arc-Theme-Colora hosted...
This time we are going to figure out how to get from two panels – one on the top and one on the bottom to 1 panel. We change the icon theme and make sure everything is locked....
This time we do not need to install dconf-editor to change the settings of this menu. You can however still change them there too. sudo pacman -S dconf-editor With a right-mouse click on the menu anything can be changed not only the...
Normally you would be looking in settings or in right mouse click and properties but they are just not present. Then you might want to look at the dconf database. Here more technical info about dconf. In order to open dconf in a graphical application we install...
Normally you would be looking in settings or in right mouse click and properties but they are just not present. You can now fall back on the dconf database. Here more technical info about dconf. In order to open dconf in a graphical application we install dconf-editor...
Using compton on Mate is easily done IF you have installed mate-tweak (AUR) via our scripts then we install compton itself. sudo pacman -S compton Next step is to know where compton’s configuration file is. Then copy/paste it in ~/.config and rename it to...
In the video I talk a great length how to analyze how the conky’s in ArcoLinux work. We figure out what application is responsible for loading the conky’s. am-conky-session Then we add it to the startup...
It all boils down to ONE SETTING. And loosing some comfort and gaining a conky. We need to set “Show Desktop Icons” OFF. That is the best and easiest solution. Then you start conkyzen and choose your conky. Use CTRL + ALT + TAB to shut down the xserver and...
Icons Themes cursors In this video we will show you where the icons, themes, cursor and fonts are set. Check the system menu. With variety we quickly change to a spiderman wallpaper. Coming from desktoppr.co. We have installed compiz-manjaro. THAT IS NOT PART OF MATE....
WARNING : THINGS MAY BREAK when installing compiz If you already followed this article you will have compiz already installed. I wanted to have a separate article about how to install compiz on your ArcoLinux Mate system. It is a question many of the linux users...