By default Plasma will darken your screen/monitor after a few minutes and ask for a password. Can we change that behavior? Where can we change those settings? Search term here was...
Solution : install thunar Dolphin is under constant development and their software engineers have a vision how a file manager should work. At some point in time they decided that security wise it is not opportune to open up a file manager — dolphin as root. The...
The Plasma Challenge originated in beginning of November 2018 and was never touched without filming it every step of the way. We just keep on updating ArcoLinux and Arch Linux is a rolling release linux distribution. There are no half-yearly releases. Instead there...
Installing themes on Plasma can be super simple. Just a tip in advance – be patient – wait till all the themes come in. Check the video to see how you could change theme, border, colors and...
ArcoLinux uses Lightdm as displaymanager or loginmanager on all its desktops. Changing to Sddm on Plasma is super easy starting from ArcoLinux 20.2. It takes only a few seconds since Sddm is already installed just not activated yet. Type this in your terminal and...
In this video you learn that changing the settings of the current menu is possible. Plasma already supports 3 menus out of the box. If that is not enough then we can get more menus from the internet. It is all fun and games and it just...
You can install elements from the KDE store with a tool called ocs-url. You can also install them via your system settings and download them from there. I do like the idea going over the KDE store and then choose the things I like after seeing some images in their...
Moving over the screen the cursor sometimes changes from theme Every desktop has its own way to select the cursor theme Because we want to have a consistent cursor theme we have defined on all our desktops that we use breeze snow. Navigate to this folder...
The Plasma Challenge originated in beginning of November 2018 and was never touched without filming it every step of the way. We just keep on updating ArcoLinux and Arch Linux is a rolling release linux distribution. There are no half-yearly releases. Instead there...
We install sddm and plasma on this freshly installed ArcoLinuxd. Force sddm with -f to overwrite the standard lightdm.service. sudo systemctl enable sddm.service -f We switch to the 3 different menu’s. We check what we get in with the plasma package aka lego...
You can know how long ago it was you booted up with the command last. Arch Linux and ArcoLinux stays up and running over time.No need to update daily or even weekly. Arch Linux and ArcoLinux is a rolling distribution. We update the system with the alias update.We...
ArcoLinux and Arch Linux is a rolling release linux distribution. There are not half-yearly releases. Instead there are year round updates – some small – some large. The updates just keep flowing in like a river would. So there is no need to do a clean...
The Plasma Challenge originated in beginning of November 2018 and was never touched without filming it every step of the way. We just keep on updating ArcoLinux and Arch Linux is a rolling release linux distribution. There are no half-yearly releases. Instead there...
In the video we show you how to find the solution on your own.Use pamac-aur to get more info about the package that reports an error.Are there dependencies missing?Knowing how to find the answer yourself is as important as finding the answer.sudo pacman -S...
Follow the video in no time you will fix the issue “how to avoid kde wallet asking a password when launching a browser” Go for Classic blowish encrypted file and leave the password...
We are setting a conky on Plasma in this video. Conkies will never work on all desktops. The differences between the window managers are just too big. Plasma uses kwin as window manager as neofetch tells you. Here is a complete list of all window managers. We...
Use the cloudservices the browsers provide. Firefox, chromium, google chrome and also Vivaldi can safe your settings, bookmarks, … in the cloud. All you need to do is make an account with a secure password. You can even encrypt the online data. After a clean...
The Plasma Challenge originated in beginning of November 2018 and was never touched without filming it every step of the way. This ssd is now 8 months old. Last time we started this sdd it was March. There is a potential pitfall we need to avoid. /etc/lsb-release is...
ArcoLinux and Arch Linux is a rolling release linux distribution. There are not half-yearly releases. Instead there are year round updates – some small – some large. The updates just keep flowing in like a river would. So there is no need to do a clean...
During the development period and tweaking and theming of Plasma later on, we used to have qt5ct or QT5 Configuration Tool to set our Plasma desktop settings like fonts, icons, …There is one setting in particular that is important if you want to keep using QT5CT...
short video The short video can be summarized in one simple sentence. IF qt5ct is installed, change your icons in the QT5 Configuration Tool. Take a look at the top image. Long and technical version In the long video we will show you the code inside the configuration...
New Login screen Since the ArcoLinux iso has a new welcome screen, we update the welcome screen for Plasma as well. Plasma settings added We took a look at the settings of Plasma to set the missing elements that we so love having around on our other desktops. For...
We see a pop-up from discord. It wants to update and asks what to do. We install the update with: update sudo pacman -S discord We discuss the new arcolinux-mirrorlist-git but it was already up-to-date. The packages are now coming from the new dataserver. We forgot to...
In this video we will update our system with update upall At this point there is an error in the pkgbuild of numix-circle-icon-theme. We will show you that you need to delete an obstructing file and rerun upall. sudo rm /usr/share/icons/Numix-Circle/icon-theme.cache...
Updating is always necessary to keep rolling. Since this is a 18.11 version I needed to update to a 18.12 version. There are other video’s that explain that as well on ArcoLinux and other iso’s. You can see it in the release article as well. But the point...
We used this link from youtube to do our testing with the application youtube-dl. Here is the list of all the websites this application supports NOT JUST YOUTUBE! We analyze the code in the terminal with youtube-dl –help. Audio + Video youtube-dl -f...
I wanted to build Helium with yay but at this point in time that is not possible.In that case we install one of the 47 themes for plasma that AUR provides us.We choose to install plasma-theme-archlinux. Plasma Challenge You can follow our tutorials based on either of...
I was missing two keyboard shortcuts that are in Xfce, Openbox, i3 and other desktops.CTRL + SHIFT + ESC opens up a taskmanager. Plasma calls it ksysguard.CTRL + ALT + M opens up the Xfce settings manager. I want this shortcut to open up Plasma settings or...
There are lots of themes but are any of them ‘good’ and will they work on Plasma is a common question. I suggest you google around and see what themes pop-up and see if you like them at all. Then you can decide if you install them. There are different ways...
There are lots of themes but are any of them ‘good’ and will they work on Plasma is a common question. I suggest you google around and see what themes pop-up and see if you like them at all. Then you can decide if you install them. There are different ways...
After installing the numix-kde-theme-git we notice we have an icon from KDE and not plasma in the startmenu.Why not change it to an ArcoLinux logo?We go over all the choices you have in Sardi. Plasma Challenge You can follow our tutorials based on either of two...
REBOOTING SOLVES MANY THEMING ISSUES In the system settings of Plasma we can theme our workspace. The Look and Feel is a kind of package. Icons, cursors, themes, fonts, … anything defined in there will be applied. The idea is to make it easier for the user to...
Top = Latte-Dock   Right = Plank in all 3 images Latte-dock is an alternative you can choose for plank when on Plasma. Latte-dock is created for Plasma. You see all the dependencies when you install it on Xfce or other desktops. You can check out its github here....
On our system we have already plank and the ArcoLinux themes installed. If you do not have them, you install them with sudo pacman -S plank arcolinux-plank-themes-git We start plank and we show you how to configure it: Left CTRL on your keyboard and right mouse-click...
We have been making tutorials about Zafiro icon theme here. We installed it with yay. Then discovered that some of the icons were missing. We learned how to fix that with the inherits line in index.theme. Then we learned how to make a PKGBUILD to fix this inherits...
This cube animation can be activated IF your hardware is compatible. Plasma will not show this animation if your hardware is not suitable. The only thing to remember is to change 2 settings: the desktop effect and its animation (optional) create extra virtual desktops...
On Xfce and other desktops it is possible to “take actions with root level”. That is possible too on Plasma BUT you need to install a service for that. yay -S kde-servicemenus-rootactions This package will come from the AUR and its origin is on...
We have created a link on the ArcoLinux iso (xfce, openbox and i3) that points to the most important page on : When you type “hello” in the menu of xfce or plasma you will get a menu item. Behind...
After making all these tutorials it sometimes happened that simplescreenrecorder was started at login. Plasma will standard remember the apps in your last session and will reload them when you log back in. Where can we tell Plasma to start with a clean session aka no...
On ArcoLinux and on other iso’s we have made sure that there is an icon of pamac in the tray of the desktop in question. There is no update icon in Plasma. This is a personal choice. You will see that Plasma has already lots of icons in the system panel or tray...
Check the version of spotify onAUR and 3Party repoInstall the most recent version Since we use spotify constantly on all our installations of all the desktops we have added spotify to the 3party repo. This version will not be auto updated. It is a manual job. One we...
I have a keyboard with a separate numeric keypad and I had to manually activate it to be able to use the number keys. You do this quickly manually and work on. But there is a setting in Plasma that can help you. In the picture above and in the video you can see where...
We all know that our fingers seem to have some memory. They blindly go to several keys on our keyboard to launch an application. We have made a tutorial how to make keyboard shortcuts on Plasma on this article. Now we are going to export our work and then assume we...
We have not installed any ArcoLinux keyboard shortcuts on Plasma. Plasma has already quite a variety of shortcuts and it would mean that we would be overwriting the standard Plasma ones with the ArcoLinux ones. We leave it up to the users to decide what shortcuts they...
Adding a new user can always be done via the terminal like this how to on the forum. But does Plasma come with an gui or graphical user interface to do just the same. Type user in the menu and you will soon find an application User Manager. In previous video we had...
IF your hardware can not perform the wobbly windowsit will NOT show up in your selection. There is a filter at the top right. That is how I found out on one of my computers that wobbly windows was not supported. One of the things I missed when working on this new...
This was surely one of the nuisances I experienced at first on Plasma. Why? Because we were accustomed to another workflow on the other desktops. That is all it is. A personal preference.If you want to able to click a file or folder to be able to select it and delete...
It is a fact (and it is only human) that we will search for a similar workflow and setting on this Plasma desktop as the desktops (Xfce, Openbox and i3) we are accustomed to. We must be aware they are NOT the same and we will need to adjust sometimes our workflow. But...
Every desktop has its own way of ensuring that you can set your preferred application when you click on an url, open a terminal or a file manager. On Plasma you need to type “default” or “applications” in the menu and you will get a settings...
With a right mouse click on any application in your menu you will have 4 options add shortcut to the desktop add shortcut to the panel as widget pin to taskmanager add to favorites Enough choice. You decide what works for you. The video will show how to make them but...
The first thing we do on any desktop is to figure out the “annoyances”. I am used to see the icon of simplescreenrecorder in the systempanel or system tray. This way I know the application still runs and is recording. Until this video I had to press a lot...
It is great that Plasma immediately recognizes the fact that it has a dual screen.We see this choice when you boot up. Check out the video or this bmp that shows the options. There is a variety of choices for your system. You can invoke this window by pressing Super +...
Since Plasma works on lightdm now as login or display manager we need to edit the lightdm configuration file. More technical info at Arch Wiki. Let us open up /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and change one word from xfce to plasma and save it. You can see what I changed the...
This is something YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO. It is just something I NEED TO DO otherwise all the video’s will have these glitches inside of them and it gets super annoying after a while. So here is the fix IF you ever decide to make a video about ArcoLinuxB Plasma...
November 2018 we started making tutorials about Plasma and launched the Plasma Challenge. Plasma can be installed with the BYOI script from ArcoLinuxB. The Plasma challenge of November 2018 was based on an iso from ArcoLinuxB Plasma and we added all the games for some...