We gave the Ewmh module of polybar some color. Via github you can see what has been changed. Via bupskel before an update and bupskel after an update you can compare. Herbstluftwm got support for Azerty keyboards and dual screen...
We change the look of neofetch via ArcoLinux Tweak Tool. With the same tool we choose the color scheme of termite. The keyboard shortcuts are there but not the packages. So we install more applications. The idea is to start you off with a minimal amount of packages....
spectrwm.conf Spectrwm is a tiling window manager. Check out the website. You can get more information on the Arch Wiki. We need to know a file and a folder for Spectrwm ~/.config/spectrwm ~/.spectrwm.conf Polybar is going to be our menu at the top. You can read all...