The first thing we will probably see on any desktop is our wallpaper. We can change it via two different tools. desktop settings variety wallpaper selector or use the shortcut keys You can check out what the shortcut keys are in XFCE via the application Keyboard. ...
The first thing we will probably see on any desktop is our wallpaper. We can change it via two different tools. desktop settings variety wallpaper selector or use the shortcut keys You can check out what the shortcut keys are in XFCE via the application Keyboard. ...
Feb 2019 – 101 plank themes to choose from In this video we will show you how easy it is to change any given plank theme. We use the numixx plank theme as example. We open it in the folder /usr/share/plank/themes/Numixx with Atom but open that specific folder as...
Pressing the LEFT SUPER key will result in opening the menu in Xfce.This tutorial is only intended for the following situations:people that will never use openbox and i3 on the ArcoLinux isopeople using the ArcoLinuxD iso and installing only Xfcepeople using the...
First we install ArcoLinuxD on virtualbox or on real metal.The next video will show you that. After the installation of ArcoLinuxD on virtualbox or on real metal we reboot. Immediately we check if we need to do updates but first we get the fastest servers for...
Depending on what system you are and what you might have accidentally deleted, you might get a sort of shadow next to the plank. There is an easy fix for that in the “Window Manager Tweaks”. Make sure that “Show shadows under dock windows” is...
When you run the scripts from the github you will install all the necessary packages. It is up to you to know how to connect your hardware to your system. You will need to go to the settings of bluetooth and of sound. Remember the names blueberry and pavucontrol....
This can be a very frustrating issue. You reboot xfce and all the applications that were open last time reopen when you reboot. It is actually your previous session that is being reloaded. What if you do not want that? There are two places you should keep in mind when...
Coming from ArcoLinux we have Xfce, Openbox and i3 on our system. What if you wanted to have a distro with Xfce and i3 and NOT openbox. We will install i3 on ArcoLinuxD Xfce using the scripts already created to install ArcoLinuxD-i3. Then you will end up with two...
Check out the possible plugins you can add to your xfce panel. Some of them will work on virtualbox and some of them not. You can move them around and change their order. Some of them have preferences you can/must set. I will keep the Weather Update...
Go to the Xfce settings and look for the display icon. There you can set that you do not want to mirror your displays and that is all you need to do. You can use this also on openbox but not on...
Keyboard shortcuts are so handy. If you have tried ArcoLinux i3 already you know that i3 is a keyboard driven desktop environment. I move all my keyboard shortcuts from desktop to desktop. It is up to you to make new ones or to change the current shortcuts. We will...
You can change the settings of the Xfce compositor in the settings. Openbox and i3 use compton as compositor. NOT Xfce. We will make the windows transparent when we move them around or make them...
We use the scripts to install all the necessary ArcoLinux packages to get these conky’s in and then we need to do some manual copy/paste work. We need to copy/paste all the conky’s from the /etc/xdg/conky folder to our own in ~/.config/conky. Then we can...
When you install Xfce, you will see that out-of-the-box you will have icons on you desktop. If you want to deselect all or some of them. This is how you do...
When you install Xfce you will get the standard menu, the panel will be at the top and you will have a panel at the bottom from Xfce with icons. That is NOT plank. Linux is about freedom. You do not have to copy me. I am just showing what possibilities you have. We...
ArcoLinuxD is installed and we ran all the scripts from the folder arco-xfce. Then we tweak our distro. Settings/Appearance is where we can set themes, icons and fonts. Settings/Window manager is where we set our border of our windows and fonts. Settings/Mouse and...