Remove qt5ct on Deepin and Plasma to be able to change and save your icons and themes
Check if you have qt5ct installed in Plasma or Deepin. That application will overrule your designated theme and icon changer. sudo pacman -R qt5ct
16 How to install virtualbox on Deepin – any desktop
Installing virtual box on your Arch Linux or ArcoLinux computer should start with a visit to the Arch wiki and Nemesis scripts. The Arch Wiki gives you an abundance of knowledge. Follow this url and start reading : You...
15 Learning about all the keyboard shortcuts present on Deepin
Open up the control center and navigate to Keyboard and Language and check out the shortcut menu.Deepin comes with its own keyboard shortcuts you need to learn them and try them out.But ArcoLinux added its own keyboard shortcuts as well to the deepin.We believe this...
14 How to set your default applications on Deepin
We navigate to the control center and go to Default applications.This menu is so straight forward it is strange to write an article about it.Click on the applications to make it your standard one.However if an application is not on the list you need to add that...
13 changing your display on deepin
Deepin recognizes my dual screen. And everything is set up correctly.You can mirror the display as well.You can increase the scaling of your display.We have the possibilities to brighten or darken your display which is easier than change than with the monitor buttons.
12 changing the appearance of deepin – icons, themes, cursors, … or personalisation of Deepin
We navigate to the control center and take a look at personalisation.In theme you will find thethemeiconscursorsWe select Arc Dark. You will see that not all applications will follow this theme. That is normal.Thunar will now follow the Arc Dark theme but not the...
11 How to get to the control center of Deepin
The system settings of Deepin are all changed in one place Control center or dde-control-centerIt will hold all the possible settings of your Deepin desktop.But first how to get to this control centericon on dock to control centertype control center in menuefficient...
10 changing the look of the menu or the dock in deepin
Super or the launcher icon will open up the deepin menu.Changing the menu bar is quite intuitive.When you start the menu is full screen. You can just start typing to find the application you want to launch.You can arrange the applications by category.Add to startup is...
9 Exploring the possibilities in deepin filemanager
TIP : READ THE HELP OF DEEPIN file managerThe filemanager is called dde-filemanager. Use the tab in the terminal to learn all the applications of a desktop.Type deepin in the terminal and press twice on TAB.Type dde in the terminal and press twice on TAB.And you can...
8 Getting to know the deepin terminal
Tip : Read the help of deepin terminalThe deepin terminal is a versatile and beautiful terminal. This is the first alinea of the help of Deepin terminal "Deepin Terminal is a terminal emulator with simple interface, rich and powerful functions created by Deepin...
7 How to set variety to choose your personal and local wallpapers – any desktop
Variety is our wallpaper changer. It can also get wallpapers from a variety of sources. When writing this article the best provider of new wallpapers desktoppr is still down for maintenance. We change the source of the wallpapers to a local source.Everyone has a...
6 Setting up our cloud services dropbox and google drive – any desktop
My personal way to keep save from data loss is keeping my data in the cloud. There are people who copy/paste (grsync) everything to a harddisk or usb. There are people who use timeshift and other tools.At some point in your life you find a workflow that fits you. This...
5 Setting up firefox and vivaldi – sync your bookmarks, settings, extensions and themes from the cloud – any desktop
We check first my dmesg. In previous article and video we discussed the messages we are getting lately. They all start with audit and it makes it hard to read the dmesg these days. We show you how you can get your previous dmesg back.When you perform many clean...
4 Installing ArcoLinux-Nemesis on any desktop as a possible workflow after installation
NO distro is 100% to your liking. You need to uninstall applications, install applications and tweak and config to reach YOUR sense of perfection.After any ArcoLinux ISO I will install my personal github called : ArcoLinux-Nemesis. You can find that github here : ...
3 ArcoLinuxD and ArcoLinuxB are essentially the same
We just want you to know that ArcoLinuxD and ArcoLinuxB are essentially the same.These articles are all hosted on delivers your operating system just way faster than ArcoLinuxD.ArcoLinuxB is an ISO that you burn on an usb and a complete...
2 update your system after the installation of Deepin
After the installation of any of our desktops or ISO's first update your system.In order to have the fastest servers for Arch Linux we use an alias.Please type alias in a terminal and read what an alias is going to run. We will check what is today the fastest Arch...