arch-chroot and ext4 – use the power of arch-chroot when your computer crashes
Changing root is commonly done for performing system maintenance on systems where booting and/or logging in is no longer possible. Common examples are: Reinstalling the bootloader. Rebuilding the initramfs image. Upgrading or downgrading packages. Resetting a...
14 make sure you get the ArcoLinux dconf/user database in – manual intervention required – only Gnome
When developing Gnome in July 2019 it came to my attention that the settings I had created and saved in ~/.config/dconf/user were not applied into the system. Updates came in /etc/skel/.config/dconf/user. We did the skel command (check your aliases) but the new...
How to get rid of the dynamic user in lightdm login screen
Depending in what learning stage you are (ArcoLinux learning phases), what ISO you are on ArcoLinuxD or Arch Linux or what distribution you are using ...IF you are also using LIGHTDM as your login manager, you may see a "dynamic user" when logging in. See image.Here...
Fix your ArcoLinux or Arch Linux computer with these 2 tips
If you recognize these symptoms then this article can help you : black screen at bootup bootup starts but halts bootup starts but halts and you see why - error message lightdm shows but is unresponsive lightdm shows - desktop is unreachable ... Solution 1 When your...
How to mount an ssd bay in your desktop to easily switch between windows and linux
Of course you can dual boot or triple-boot or even more but is it all worth it in the end. A lot of users are faced with a malfunctioning system at some point or other. I know you can learn from these setbacks and google for solutions until it is fixed... BUT What if...