This procedure will work on
- ArcoLinux
- ArcoLinuxD
- ArcoLinuxB
- Arch Linux
All you need to remember is that we work with lightdm display manager.
You can find the lightdm configuration files in /etc/lightdm.
Edit the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf with sublime text.
Choose to view it as PERL at the bottom right.
And change the relevant lines and use your own login name.
ArcoLinux Iso
If you want to autologin into i3 then you change the lines like this.
If you want to autologin into openbox then you change the lines like this.
If you want to autologin into xfce again then you change the lines like this.
You do not want to autologin at all. But you like to login into xfce.
ArcoLinuxD Iso
ArcoLinuxD has a script to change the lightdm.conf.
You can still change it manually as well.
ArcoLinuxB Iso
ArcoLinuxB ISO is based upon ArcoLinux ISO.
Therefor the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf will always contain xfce as default desktop.
Calamares, our installer, will not change the content of lightdm.conf for you.
You need to change xfce manually into your desktop like awesome, bspwm, plasma, cinnamon, mate, …
You can always find the name of your desktop in this folder : /usr/share/xsessions.
Arch Linux Iso
When working with Arch Linux we will download our scripts from All the desktops are hosted there.
You can use the same script we use on the ArcoLinuxD ISO.