How to set wallpapers in xfce, openbox and i3

The first thing we will probably see on any desktop is our wallpaper. We can change it via two different tools.

  • desktop settings
  • variety
    • wallpaper selector or use the shortcut keys

You can check out what the shortcut keys are in XFCE via the application Keyboard.  They will be the same in Openbox and i3.

Plank can be changed. Startup automatically or not can be changed quite easily. There are a lot of settings in the plank. Check them out with CTRL and Right mouseclick on the plank.

Whiskermenu can be changed to your liking. Change the name and icon. We go over all the options

Panels can be changed and moved to top, bottom, left and right.

Themes can be selected at your discretion. These arc themes are created by me and have a special accent colour. They are a variant on the Arc theme of Horst3180.

Icons can be selected. Many icon themes have been installed out of the box. Faba, Moka, Numix, Papirus, Sardi, Surfn, …

Increase your font.

Decide to have icons on your right mouse click menu.

Home, Filesystem, Trash icons on your desktop.

Window manager will change your border.

Window manager tweaks are quite interesting to take a look at. Shadow and transparency in windows are determined there. Xfce does not work with compton.

Workspaces are set to four. You can change those as well.

Display quite interesting for dual monitor users.

Mouse theme can be changed.

Talking about software update as well. There is pamac (the red thing) and you update. Pamac can update also the AUR but you have to set those in preferences if you want to do that via Pamac or not.

Updating then via the terminal.

upall is an alias

Mirror is also an alias to update the arch mirrors. So you will get the fastest servers in your neighbourhood.

upall is my way to automaticaly update your system.

Showing you the power of pamac and looking for wps-office.

Activating a conky and showing how to find a colour with gpick.

Keyboard Shortcuts To Remember
SUPER + T … CTRL + ALT+ T … Super + Enter
Launch your terminal