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How to set wallpapers in xfce, openbox and i3
The first thing we will probably see on any desktop is our wallpaper. We can change it via two different tools. desktop settings variety wallpaper selector or use the shortcut keys You can check out what the shortcut keys are in XFCE via the application Keyboard. ...
How to theme ArcoLinux Openbox any way you want
ArcoLinux has an generated menu out of the box. The advantage is that any installed or uninstalled will immediately have effect on your menu. No manual editing required. You can even have a menu with icons if you want to. What if you want to change the menu from...
How to change the menu in openbox with obmenu-generator
ArcoLinux has a generated menu out of the box. The advantage is that any installed or uninstalled will immediately have effect on your menu. No manual editing required. You can even have a menu with icons if you want to. What if you want to change the menu from...
How to make a static and manual menu in openbox
ArcoLinux has a generated menu out of the box. Any application, that you install or uninstall, will show up or disappear from the menu. The menu is generated with the tool obmenu-generator. What if you wanted to have the original menu.xml back that comes with openbox...
How to activate polybar on ArcoLinux Openbox
You can use polybar as well in Openbox. The standard panel in ArcoLinux is tint2 but you can replace this. We edit the autostart file in folder ~/.config/openbox. #tint2 & sh ~/.config/polybar/ & These lines came in with the update of the package :...
Use tint2 to theme your Openbox setup
Tint2 is the "standard" panel in openbox. The gui or graphical user interface of Tint2 is a super tool to select the current themes but also a great tool to create new themes. We change and apply some of the settings. All settings you change in the gui of tint2 will...
Adding jgmenu to your openbox system
Jgmenu is an X11 menu intended to be used with Openbox and Tint2. If you miss a "start button and menu" in your Openbox system, Jgmenu can be a solution. We install it with sudo pacman -S jgmenu Then we need to add it to our tint2 menu with a few steps. We show you...
How to switch your Openbox menu to the Openbox Minimal menu
Thanks to the fact that we have created ArcoLinuxB Openbox Minimal we now have a second kind of menu. A minimal one. Once you know your way around the system and know where all the core files are for openbox, you can access them via Thunar and edit them. No need for a...
How to give a shadow to the openbox menu
The compton.conf of openbox is in ~/.config/compton.conf.Make a backup of that file and then experiment with its settings. You still have a backup in /etc/skel.We delete a line that is holding the shadow back on the menu.Look for the shadow-exclude part and delete...
Compton has changed into Picom – on Openbox – delete compton.conf from your system – you have a picom.conf now
Compton has changed into picomCompton has changed into picom. We work on a SSD I use for the Carli tutorials. So this is also an update video tutorial. New alias do not exist yet like "nmirrorlist". If you analyze the package picom, it will provide compton but there...
Polybar update – ewmh module and Herbstluftwm update – azerty and dualscreen
We gave the Ewmh module of polybar some color. Via github you can see what has been changed. Via bupskel before an update and bupskel after an update you can compare. Herbstluftwm got support for Azerty keyboards and dual screen support.
How to create your own plank theme the numixx theme as example – any desktop
Feb 2019 - 101 plank themes to choose from In this video we will show you how easy it is to change any given plank theme. We use the numixx plank theme as example. We open it in the folder /usr/share/plank/themes/Numixx with Atom but open that specific folder as root...
2 – How to theme ArcoLinuxD Openbox
ArcoLinuxD is installed and we ran all the scripts from the folder arco-openbox even the ones in the folder 'personal'. Then we tweak our distro. Preferences/ Xfce4 Appearance is where we can set themes, icons and fonts. Preferences/Openbox/GUI config tool is where we...