25 Install the Qtile config from DistroTube

25 Install the Qtile config from DistroTube

sudo pacman -S arcolinux-qtile-distrotube-git we do use the ArcoLinux keybindings The video starts with the presenter expressing their admiration for ArcoLinux, an Arch-based Linux distribution, and sharing the news that ArcoLinux has included their qtile...

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24 upgrading qtile to 0.15.1-1on April 2020

24 upgrading qtile to 0.15.1-1on April 2020

Short version : remove arcomemory.py from your Qtile folder Mid April 2020 Qtile gets a new version on Arch Linux. We move from 0.14 to 0.15 and we needed to adjust our config accordingly. This video contains a lot more than "delete the one file and never use it...

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23 Using the mouse keyboard shortcuts in Qtile

23 Using the mouse keyboard shortcuts in Qtile

There are just a few mouse keyboard shortcuts and the all involve the SUPER KEY So press it in and use the left mouse click and right mouse click to experiment. If you want everything to be tiled again, reload qtile again. SUPER + SHIFT + R There is a keyboard...

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21 Creation of a new widget on qtile called NetGraph

21 Creation of a new widget on qtile called NetGraph

The place to learn more about Qtile is http://docs.qtile.org/en/latest/ We found a widget we can add to our menu bar called NetGraph. http://docs.qtile.org/en/latest/manual/ref/widgets.html#netgraph We will make it together. Start with a copy/paste and start changing...

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20 Creation of a new widget on qtile called Net

20 Creation of a new widget on qtile called Net

The place to learn more about Qtile is http://docs.qtile.org/en/latest/ We found a widget we can add to our menu bar called Net. http://docs.qtile.org/en/latest/manual/ref/widgets.html#net We will make it together. Start with a copy/paste and start changing the lines...

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18 Replacing the icons in the qtile menu with other icons

18 Replacing the icons in the qtile menu with other icons

We have chosen to take icons for the workplaces. Icons can mean anything and they can easily be replaced with a copy/paste from the Awesome Font website. You see a better icon. Just copy/paste it in the config.py. Make sure to make a copy of your files. The Skel...

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17 Changing the icons in the qtile menu into text

17 Changing the icons in the qtile menu into text

During the video I had the idea to give you also a menu based on text rather than the icons from the awesome font. Instead of the icons we see text like Web, Edit, Music, ... as names for your workspace. You can easily change between the two menu's. We update our...

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16 How to change the colors of the window borders in qtile

16 How to change the colors of the window borders in qtile

You can tweak and theme also the borders of the tiled windows. Search for "theme" and you will find init_layout_theme. That will be the initial look for qtile. It is like a standard template. You can define a theme PER LAYOUT. MonadTall MonadWide ... That is super...

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15 Changing the look and feel of the menubar on Qtile

15 Changing the look and feel of the menubar on Qtile

The most important message to get across is: Test it out. Trial and error. Use the color #FF0000 or red to make it apparent what part of the menu you are in. Change just 1 setting. Save it. Reload it with SUPER + SHIFT + R. Then some common sense and some tutorials...

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14 How to reload or fix a crashing qtile config

14 How to reload or fix a crashing qtile config

Changing your config of qtile can be fun but you may break your config and have a broken qtile as a result. This video will tell how to get back to a working qtile. We delete a komma in the config and qtile crashes. At that point we get the default config of qtile and...

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13 adding a battery widget to qtile config for laptops

13 adding a battery widget to qtile config for laptops

Choose between 4 widgetsIn the configuration file for qtile ~/.config/qtile/config.py you can remove the '#' in front of the widgets you like. In above image there are 4 ways to show you the status of your battery on a laptop. Choose 1 and reload the config with Super...

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12 moving applications to an different workspace

12 moving applications to an different workspace

Use these keyboard shortcuts to move an application to a different workspace. Super + Shift + 1 to move the focused application to workspace 1 Super + Shift + 2 to move the focused application to workspace 2 ... This will work out of the box for Qwerty keyboard users....

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9 The set-pywal.sh script on Qtile explained

9 The set-pywal.sh script on Qtile explained

This article is not for the faint of heart... Just joking. But if you are not used to read and work with scripts, it can be a challenge. First off I am not a programmer by profession but I like to challenge myself to learn more. At ArcoLinux we think Knowledge Sharing...

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8 How to use python-pywal in qtile

8 How to use python-pywal in qtile

Python-pywal is one of those application that are not needed at all... But it is fun to have it and to play around with it and get some awesome screenshots. In that category falls also all our fun scripts in ~/.bin. We know there are utterly unimportant but all work...

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7 Use the keyboard shortcut to toggle compton on and off

7 Use the keyboard shortcut to toggle compton on and off

CTRL + ALT + O We have created a shortcut to quickly toggle compton on and off. At some point in time you would like to do that. We take a look at the script, that will toggle compton on and off and show for the first time where in xmonad.hs  the keyboard shortcut is....

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6 Qtile will use compton as compositor

6 Qtile will use compton as compositor

compton.conf  Compton has 3 big parts in its file. Shadow Opacity Fading We have an Arch Wiki page to learn even more. Choose glx or xrender. Only if you have trouble with your graphical hardware. We show you that there are lots of articles and video's about...

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5 Where can we find the qtile configuration

5 Where can we find the qtile configuration

two major documents to configureQtile has actually just one document where all the settings are : config.py The other one is connected to Qtile but it is not from Qtile. scripts/autostart.sh Autostart.shFind out the names of your screen/monitor with xrandr or arandr....

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2 Updating of your Qtile system

2 Updating of your Qtile system

You can install Qtile via ArcoLinuxD and use and change the scripts we provide. You can also install Qtile via ArcoLinuxB and download the ISO and install it or you can build the ISO yourself and decide what software you would like on your ISO. In the end you will...

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