Some information about website. We continue to make articles about ArcoLinuxD and about its many many desktops. We started creating articles about desktops in a certain order. Hence the numbering. But ad hoc we keep writing articles and keep numbering...
Tag Page
25 installing discord and find the invitation link – any desktop
Discord is a slick looking application and a means to communicate very quickly with ArcoLinux users and developers. We can share printscreens and links via this medium. Installing can be done from AUR or 3party repo so either yay -S discord or sudo pacman -S discord...
23 How to add a conky on Plasma – also for other desktops
Conkyzen (am-conkyzen - application where you can select all the conkies), the conkies (arcolinux-conky-collection-git) and the conky application (conky-lua-archers) are already installed on your system. Plasma has its own widgets. But if you want to have your...
21 Procedures to update your plasma system – any desktop
Long procedure to update If you want to learn more about your system and keep track of what changed then this procedure is for you. 1 - bupskel Will create a backup folder of /etc/skel prior to your updates 2 - update Will download and install all Arch Linux and...
19 How to install dropbox and safeguard all your documents in the cloud – any desktop
Check the version of Dropbox on AUR and 3Party repoInstall the most recent version Since we use dropbox as a service constantly on all our installations of all the desktops we have added dropbox to the 3party repo. This version will not be auto updated. It is a manual...
18 install lastpass with yay and sync your firefox after a clean install – any desktop
One of my goals is to be up and running as fast as possible on ANY DESKTOP of ArcoLinux. Syncing your settings, extensions and bookmarks to your firefox cloud account can be an asset in that matter. All I need to do is install the extension lastpass and login to my...
12 How to install and configure obs-studio – any desktop
Obs-studio is a tool to stream your desktop, sound, webcam, … to youtube (and other services). sudo pacman -S obs-studio Read more about it on Open Broadcaster Software at This application is certainly NOT A MUST for the average user. Only...
4 Syncing with Vivaldi cloud account to get all my bookmarks and more – any desktop
Like Firefox, Chromium and Google Chrome we can sync our bookmarks, settings and so much more to the cloud. The advantage is that after ANY CLEAN INSTALL we can get all our settings and extensions back with just a login and a password. This way I could have installed...
3 How to install the extension lastpass in Vivaldi – any desktop
In order for me to be able to upload to my youtube channel I need to have my login and password. They are stored safely online with the tool from We launch Vivaldi and show you how to install the extension lastpass. It comes from the Google...
3 Update your system and check your /etc/skel – ANY DESKTOP
ArcoLinux is a rolling release. Some of the updates will be installed in /usr/share. Nothing to do then.Some of the updates will be installed in /etc/skel. The user decides whether he wants to take action or not. sudo pacman -Syyu or upall There was a message about...