Check the manual of any application. In this case man neofetch We need to tell neofetch to use the option - -source to load another image or logo. We get our ArcoLinux logo's with the package from the conky's : arcolinux-conky-collection-git. It is installed in...
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5 Starting Neofetch automatically in the terminal – any desktop
We add neofetch to the terminal. We want to see to see the technical information Neofetch provides and the logo of Arcolinux. Add neofetch to .bashrc (or .zshrc). W3m and imagemagick need to be installed to have the logo of ArcoLinux in Neofetch
15 How to change the display manager from lightdm to gdm or any other – any desktop
You can use any display manager or login manager you want. There is no need to change to gdm because you are going to install the desktop gnome... but you can. It is the freedom of choice. And it is even not that hard. We have chosen for lightdm a few months back when...
14 How to increase zsh’s functionality and change the configuration – any desktop
We can use a different shell in your system. The standard shell is bash. You can read more about bash or Bourne-again Shell here. But you can also use Zsh. Read more about zsh here. Zsh is already installed but not activated. And there are other packages you might...
Use meld to compare folders and files coming in your /etc/skel any desktop
Shown on i3 Can be done on any desktop Use meld as a tool to compare your projects over time and easily compare the differences in your files or folders. Use meld as a tool to compare the ArcoLinux packages in /etc/skel with your own and decide what changes you will...
How to set double tap and drag and drop on your laptop’s touchpad – any desktop
When on ArcoLinux you can set your touchpad with the gui of XFCE settings or keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + M. This will work on Xfce and Openbox. If you want to have this solution on i3 you will need to delete a hashtag in the config file. #exec --no-startup-id...
How to get the latest updates in from github any desktop
The scripts on are constantly improving. When we use ArcoLinuxD we will install a base Arch Linux and then it is up to us to decide what desktop environment you would like Xfce, Openbox, i3wm, Budgie ,... and so many others. Getting the...
14 – Changing the look of the terminal termite on any desktop
When we install the package arcolinux-termite-themes-git we will get 79 termite themes. The themes will be installed in /etc/xdg/termite. What we need to do manually now, is to copy/paste those themes over to our personal ~/.config/termite folder to work efficiently....
13 – installing the aureola conky’s on any desktop
Conky is a free software system monitor. It is available for Linux. Conky is highly configurable and is able to monitor many system variables including the status of the CPU, memory, swap space, disk storage, temperatures, processes, network interfaces, battery power,...
8 – Installing software via the terminal any desktop
Installing software can be done via gui (graphical user interface) like pamac and gnome-software explained here. But it can be done via terminal as well. Our Arch fun starts on the AUR or Arch User Repository. Check out what other people find great. Votes...