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6 Xmonad will use compton as compositor

6 Xmonad will use compton as compositor

compton.confCompton has 3 big parts in its file. Shadow Opacity Fading We have an Arch Wiki page to learn even more. Choose glx or xrender. Only if you have trouble with your graphical hardware. We show how easy it is to make a new compton.conf to experiment with the...

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6 How to use compton on ArcoLinuxD Mate

6 How to use compton on ArcoLinuxD Mate

Using compton on Mate is easily done IF you have installed mate-tweak (AUR) via our scripts then we install compton itself. sudo pacman -S compton Next step is to know where compton's configuration file is. Then copy/paste it in ~/.config and rename it to...

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7 – detailed information about compton on i3

7 – detailed information about compton on i3

Compton is compositing manager. It will supply us the shadows, transparency, fading in our system. You can read more on the wiki about it. Let us read and change the compton.conf in ~/.config/i3/compton.conf. Make backups and then change the settings. Screentearing...

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