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5 going over the most important keyboard shortcuts

5 going over the most important keyboard shortcuts

My advice is to read the file sxhkd and test every keyboard shortcut out one by one. Copy/pasting all that code in the website does not seem useful to me. Here the ones I use all the time : Exit = Super + XTerminal = Super + ReturnFile manager = Super + Shift +...

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17 Changing and making keyboard shortcuts

17 Changing and making keyboard shortcuts

Rc.lua is one of the most important files of Awesome.  This time we take a look at the keyboard shortcut keys. We have declared variables at the top like browser, terminal, mailclient etc... You change these variables and reload awesome again. Or you change the...

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4 Navigating in Awesome and learning the many shortcuts

4 Navigating in Awesome and learning the many shortcuts

Navigating around in a windows tiling manager is different than in other windows managers. We have tagnames to put applications on and we learn the most important shortcuts. There is a very important shortcut to set your tiling and that is Super + Spacebar. Super +...

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