The goal of the tutorial is to explain to you that meld is a very powerful tool . We can use it to compare files but also directories. That is what is great. You can compare 3000 or more articles at once with this tool. It will even tell you if there is a "space"...
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9 – how to work with i3 windows and move them
Let us show you how to move your windows around. We go over the many keyboard shortcuts. Have fun trying these out in a working system. ALT + TAB SUPER + arrows CTRL + ALT + arrows SUPER + SHIFT + arrows SUPER + SHIFT + numbers SUPER + FÂ is full screen and is...
8 – where are the menu’s in i3
i3 is a tiling window manager.It is not your typical desktop environment. We are used to have a button somewhere we can click on to get a menu popup. In openbox we need to right mouse click the desktop. In i3 we need to remember the following shortcuts to get to a...
6 – what are the most important keyboard shortcuts on i3
i3 is keyboard driven. Not reading your ~/.config/i3/config file would be a mistake. All your keyboard shortcuts are defined in that file. SUPER + SHIFT + Q closes an applicationCTRL + ALT +T opens a terminalSUPER + ENTER opens a terminalSUPER + SHIFT + ENTER opens...
9 – use pamac to investigate a fresh installed application
You can use the pamac application to show what files have been installed and where. I will use it to see what this foomatic is all about. We encountered that package in the tutorial about printers.
8 – install pamac to update and install packages
Let us install the application pamac to update, install and investigate packages from Arch repos and AUR repos. I will show you my settings. It is up to you if you follow those.