Spectrwm is a tiling window manager. Check out the website. You can get more information on the Arch Wiki.
We need to know a file and a folder for Spectrwm
- ~/.config/spectrwm
- ~/.spectrwm.conf
Polybar is going to be our menu at the top. You can read all the articles about polybar here.
I need to set my keyboard to azerty…. I need to do much more. That is covered in this article.
We go over all the components.
Picom (used to be be compton) has 3 big parts in its file.
- Shadow
- Opacity
- Fading
We have an Arch Wiki page to learn even more.
Choose glx or xrender. Only if you have trouble with your graphical hardware.
Sxhkd is a simple X hotkey daemon. There is an Arch Wiki page to read all about it.
You can also checkout its github.
We use it to make sure that CTRL + ALT + T opens a terminal and many other keyboard shortcuts.
In order for it to work we launch the sxhkd (d=daemon) in autostart.
The files needs to be in some kind of syntax.
- If it starts with
, it is ignored. - If it starts with one or more white space commands, it is read as a command.
- Otherwise, it is parsed as a hotkey: each key name is separated by spaces and/or
All the keyboard shortcuts you know, will be the same in all our desktops.