20 Using xmobar on Xmonad – discussing the system icons

20 Using xmobar on Xmonad – discussing the system icons

You can install a different bar in xmonad other than polybar.Xmobar is an alternative bar to use. There are others out there.As always check your arch wiki and read the text.https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/XmobarThen we install this xmobar with the help of this...

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16 How to assign applications to fixed workspaces

16 How to assign applications to fixed workspaces

You can set the applications to appear on a fixed workspace.For example all browsers come on workspace 1, all editors come on workspace 2, ...You can set this in the xmonad.hs file.There are 4 things to check/remember.use the correct workspace name (icon, 1, I, web,...

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13 What can I do with the mouse in Xmonad

13 What can I do with the mouse in Xmonad

We can do several things related with the mouse.With Super + left key mouse press you can make a window become floating  and move it where you want.You resize the window with Super + right mouse click.If you want to tile a floating window, you press Ctrl + Shift + t.

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12 How to personalize the xmonad menu – 3 alternatives

12 How to personalize the xmonad menu – 3 alternatives

We are going to take a look at other possibilities for the menu we see in the polybar.You see the images in above picture.numberRoman numbersjust textWe show you in the video how easy it is to change that.We even create a new menu.And here is its code.myWorkspaces =...

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11 how to change the icons in the xmonad menu

11 how to change the icons in the xmonad menu

The icons, we use, are part of the awesome font. You need to remember to google "cheatsheet awesome".https://fontawesome.com/cheatsheetWe navigate to this website and we are copy/pasting an icon from this website and we will show you a neat trick to find out the...

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9 changing the color of the borders in xmonad

9 changing the color of the borders in xmonad

In xmonad.hs we can change the border colors.The video includes a super tip.IF THERE ARE UPDATES FROM HASKELL, always rebuild Xmonad immediately with Super + Shift + R.If you have no colors, no syntax or no minimap to the right, check out this video first.There are...

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8 getting to know the structure of xmonad.hs

8 getting to know the structure of xmonad.hs

Before we get into the details of xmonad.hs it is a good thing to first setup your workflow as in this article.Then we analyze the parts of the file only to discover that the actual application is at the very bottom.All the rest is importing modules and defining...

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7 Use the keyboard shortcut to toggle compton on and off

7 Use the keyboard shortcut to toggle compton on and off

CTRL + ALT + O We have created a shortcut to quickly toggle compton on and off. At some point in time you would like to do that. We take a look at the script, that will toggle compton on and off and show for the first time where in xmonad.hs  the keyboard shortcut is....

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6 Xmonad will use compton as compositor

6 Xmonad will use compton as compositor

compton.confCompton has 3 big parts in its file. Shadow Opacity Fading We have an Arch Wiki page to learn even more. Choose glx or xrender. Only if you have trouble with your graphical hardware. We show how easy it is to make a new compton.conf to experiment with the...

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5 Where is the Xmonad configuration – autostart

5 Where is the Xmonad configuration – autostart

two major documents to configureXmonad has actually just one document where all the settings are : xmonad.hs The other one is connected to Xmonad but it is not from Xmonad. scripts/autostart.sh Autostart.shResolutionFind out the names of your screen/monitor with...

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